Can You Feel Ovulation Pain in Your Back

ovulation pains and symptoms


You're probably well-acquainted with the concept of PMS and all of the fun symptoms that come along with it. But you're probably less familiar with mittelschmerz, a German word for "middle pain," that refers to common ovulation pains that occur in the lower abdomen. Though it can be pretty intense for some, ovulation pain is totally normal. About one in five women report this mid-cycle pain, according to Dr. Jimmy Belotte, OB-GYN with Montefiore Health System and associate professor for the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in Bronx, New York. So even if you're unaware of the term, you may have experienced the aches.

"If you're mid-cycle and ovulating, chances are there is a large ovarian cyst waiting to burst and release the egg. The cystic fluid and blood is generally the cause of the pain which irritates the abdominal cavity," Dr. Sherry A. Ross, a women's health expert in Santa Monica, California and the author of She-ology: The Definitive Guide to Women's Intimate Health. Period, tells Woman's Day. Ross adds that "it may take hours or days for the fluid to be absorbed," but typically the sharp pain on one side of the lower abdomen lasts around 24 hours.

For some, ovulation pains like cramps may be "a unilateral twinge," while for others, they can be more severe. "Knowing your cycle well is very helpful — particularly as to medicating against these symptoms.," Dr. Kecia Gaither, double board-certified OB-GYN and director of perinatal services at NYC Health + Hospitals/Lincoln, tells Woman's Day.

Mittelschmerz sets off a series of symptoms that can all be traced back to the egg release. Here are five of the most common ovulation pain issues, and how to mitigate the misery.

1 Lower Back Pain

"Pain related to ovulation varies woman to woman and cycle to cycle," Ross says. "There are many women who don't experience any pain with ovulation, while others are bedridden from the pain."

Since the ovaries are centrally located in the pelvis, it's understandable that this process might lead to lower back pain. This can be sudden and targeted, or it might feel like a dull ache.

"Women with a uterus that tilts backward, retroverted, tend to have worse back pain with their menstrual cycles," Dr. Renee Wellenstein, double-board certified OB-GYN and functional medicine doctor, tells Woman's Day. "Retroversion of the uterus is common, with about one in five women having the condition."

How to ease the ovulation pain: Try stretches that target the lower back, reevaluate your posture, and make sure you're getting plenty of rest (in a comfy bed). Still sore? Pop an anti inflammatory like ibuprofen or naproxen. Wellenstein also suggests using warm compresses or natural remedies like magnesium, a natural muscle relaxant, or boswellia, a natural anti-inflammatory.

2 Cramps

Are you experiencing cramps about 14 days from your period? Ovulation is likely the cause.

"Cramping/back pain occurs as the uterus begins its shedding of the lining," Gaither says. Products known as prostaglandins are released and can cause cramps as well as back pain.

For some, the pain can be really severe. "Ovulation pain occasionally shows up in the Emergency Department because acute sudden pain can be very uncomfortable and mimic serious illness such as appendicitis," Dr. Lisa Lewis, a pediatrician in Fort Worth, Texas says.

How to ease the ovulation pain: If symptoms are extremely sharp for 12 hours or more, it's worth visiting your doctor. Otherwise, our experts suggest that you get moving. Not only will it get your blood pumping and boost oxygen circulation from head to toe, but it can also help "build stronger pelvic muscles that might help combat ovulation pain," Lewis says.

Anti-inflammatories can also help, as can the natural remedies magnesium and boswellia, Wellenstein says.

3 Light Spotting

It's not just an issue during pregnancy, puberty, and menopause. Spotting can also signal that you ovulating.

Ovarian follicles, the small fluid-filled sacs in the ovaries, release hormones and grow bigger during the menstrual cycle until they eventually rupture and release an egg. Usually, when women experience pain during ovulation, it's because the blood and fluid that surround the egg inside the follicle also get released in the abdomen when the egg is released, Wellenstein says.

"Blood and the surrounding fluid can be very irritating to the inside of the abdomen which, in turn, can cause pain," she says. Some people might experience more pain depending on the size of the developing follicles and the differing amounts of fluid/blood inside each.

How to ease the ovulation pain: If spotting lasts more than 24 hours or gets more severe month to month, see your doctor. And if this is a common problem, talk to your OB-GYN about your contraceptive routine.

"If you experience disruptive pain associated with ovulation or nausea, vomiting, fever, chills or pain with urination, it's best to contact your healthcare provider and talk about your symptoms and your contraceptive. The birth control pill can be helpful in preventing ovulation, thus preventing pain associated with this mid-cycle phenomenon," Ross says.

4 Bloating

Too much salt or fiber isn't always the cause of a bloating. The fluid and blood that may accompany the release of the egg and irritate your stomach lining can also lead to a distended feeling.

Additionally, estrogen peaks at ovulation, which causes water retention that can also contribute to bloating, Wellenstein says.

How to ease the ovulation pain: Warm things up. "One of the best ways to help ovulation pain is to relax the muscles of the pelvis. This means laying down with a heating pad, or taking a warm bath," Lewis says.

For extra relief, nosh on one of the foods proven to help combat bloat, and limit packaged and processed foods that have more sodium, Wellenstein suggests. "Movement and exercise can also help this discomfort," she says. "Bloating may worsen over the course of the luteal phase (after ovulation) as a function of rising progesterone. Progesterone impacts the motility of the intestinal tract, leading to constipation and bloating. Studies have shown that staying well hydrated and consuming ginger, peppermint, or dandelion tea, as well as pineapple may help."

5 Breast Tenderness

"Breast tenderness is hormonal and the result of rising progesterone levels," Wellenstein says. "This generally develops more during the luteal phase, the second half of the cycle after ovulation."

How to ease the ovulation pain: Vitamin E and vitamin B6 have been shown to reduce breast tenderness. Limiting caffeine and fat intake may help, too, Johns Hopkins researchers add.

Wellenstein also suggests vitex, also known as chasteberry, a dried fruit that's native to the Mediterranean regions. Studies have shown that it can be effective in easing breast pain. She also suggests warm or cold compresses and a well-fitted, supportive bra. Over-the-counter anti-inflammatories like ibuprofen can also help.

Whatever the ovulation pain, if you're frustrated or feeling less than 100 percent longer than you prefer, don't be afraid to ask for help, Ross says. "If you are confused and not sure why you're in pain, either physically or emotionally, during any part of your menstrual cycle, contact your healthcare provider."

Karla Walsh is a Des Moines, Iowa-based freelance writer and level one sommelier who balances her love of food and drink with her passion for fitness.

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Can You Feel Ovulation Pain in Your Back


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